Friday 19 December 2008

Activities which kept me busy!

It had been 2 weeks.... so fast!!! Thank god that I'm busy with works and events can't wait to see you back and we celebrate the Christmas together... hooray!!!
Just to re-cap what I have did last 2 weeks...
Having fun for the damn expensive Movie @Garden Gold Class

Have fun and busy with entertained the clients... The movie was quite bored but the seats were comfy provided with the blanket and pillows. Anyway, this will be the experience for the expensive tickets I've ever had for movie. After the event we we had dinner cum support at Bangsar... yea... dinner at 1am lucky boss annouced we can back in office in the afternoon.

~~Annual Dinner cum Christmas Party on Friday night~~

Woo... everyone was on party mood today as we celebrate the Annual dinner cum Christmas Party. We will be having a party at Passion Road with the theme of "Enchanted Night" Ha d some great time for the annual dinner as we had lucky draw and games...

OMG~~~ our Costume~~~