Friday 9 May 2008

wHat A Day...

Thought I will have a pleasant Friday... well... thing just out of controll sometimes

Early in the morning came out from my house on the way to work and half way I found out that I have forgotten my wallet, I left it in the yoga bag... U-turn and I'm late to work. Thought everything will be fine after that but a call in and complain for the SA and the office number invalid and etc etc...Sometimes I was wondering all this act smart but in fact stupid women whether they can understand language! Helo is ENGLISH... I spoken in English... Small matter can argue and make it so difficult.

"c" pls think before you open your mouth... People trying to explain then listen la... else don't seek for explaination okay???

Apologized for the troublesome... may everything okay and we may done the remaining jobs to complete the duties...I will try my best to understand and reduce the unnecessaries mistake...

Because of this small matter had made me run up and down with boss to settle the problems... sigh... Facial cancelled and all my plans cancelled cause of the Dark Skin Colour Lady..."nie nie" :P

Thank god tomorrow is Saturday... spend time for myself better... then WORK!!!